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How does the price system respond to surpluses and shortages?

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Q: How does the price system respond to surpluses and shortages?
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Shortages always raise prices and surpluses always reduce prices until competition produces a price where there are no more surpluses or shortages.

How does the invisible hand of competition set a market price in a market economy?

b. Shortages always raise prices and surpluses always reduce prices until competition produces a price where there are no more surpluses or shortages. ;D

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Competition eliminates shortages and surpluses by setting a market- clearing price.

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If the price ceiling is above the market price then there's no direct effect. If the price ceiling is set below the market price, then a shortage is created. :)

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A price ceiling causes shortages ... not surpluses. So the answer would be no. see

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Rent controls result in shortages and minimum wage laws result in surpluses

Why does the time it takes to reach equilibrium vary from market to market?

It takes time to reach the equilibrium because they don't know what is the "right price" to sell the product. whether prices change quickly or slowly however once they move toward equilibrium shortages and surpluses start to disappear.


A surplus will tend to drive the price down.

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Price ceiling

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suppliers produce more than consumers want to purchase and the suppliers end up with surpluses.

Why is pure competition an ideal market structure?

Because, if unrestrained by a meddlesome government, it results in THE most efficient allocation of resources. At the equilibrium price, all the sellers will be able to sell exactly as much as they want to sell, and all the buyers will be able to buy exactly as much as they want to buy. No shortages, no surpluses. Companies make a reasonable, but not windfall profit.