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The feudal system was really a system of political-military allegiances whereby aristocrats gave landed estates to lesser aristocrats and knights in exchange for loyalty and military services. The economic dimension of the system is that the aristocrats were landlords who appropriated the produce of the peasants and ensured their labour services through serfdom. Through serfdom, the peasants were tied to the lord and were not allowed to leave their villages. They also had to pay a rent. Sharecropping (paying with a share of the harvest) was common, but cash payments also developed. Labour services were obtained through the requirement to work on the estate of the lord for set amounts of time. Tributes also had to be given. These consisted of giving the lord a certain number of animals, dairy products, and the like. Transgression of these rules involved severe punishment.

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Q: How is a feudal system an economic system?
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What is a feudal economic system?

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No, the feudal system was a medieval system.

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feudal is the answer

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Chivalry was an outgrowth of the feudal system

What exactly is a feudal system?

The 'feudal system' is a political, economic and social system that was in place throughout much of medieval Europe. It includes factors like; Serfdom, cottage industry agriculture (small plots of land worked on by the poor/serfs), barons/local leaders who had a hereditary right to land they technically owned and the system of having a monarch (sometimes constitutional) to govern the country as a whole. Hope this helped.

What responsibilitys did peasants have in feudal system?

They supported the entire feudal system by working the land.

What is a feudal laborer?

a labourer who labours under a feudal system

How feudal system work?

the feudal system works how by William taking the mici out of people to be loyal to him.