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Depending on the amount of cells reproduction this affects this because like us they grow and get energy to supply other cells that transport supplies such as types of yeast to help it rise and separate from bad viruses or cells I'm 13 plz respect my work

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Q: How organisms contribute to soil fertility?
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What factor contribute to soil fertility?

the variety of soils and the climates in which they are found

What is are the functions of diverse organisms?

Diversity in large numbers help in large scale interaction among organisms such as in the food web In the nitrogen cycle, bacteria, plants have a crucial relationship, earthworms contribute to soil fertility.

How does soil fertility affect crop production?

- soil pH -soil organisms -soil structure -soil texture -adsorption complex -

How do bacteria contribute to soil fertility?

whenever there biodegradable materials in the soil the bacteria feed on them and turn them into useful chemicals which are good for the soil

How do decomposers increase the fertility of the soil?

By breaking down and digesting the remains of dead organisms

Which organisms help increase soil fertility by breaking down organic matter?


What is the connection between soil organisms and soil fertility?

Organisms in theground consume organic matter and deposit the remnants as nutrients and minerals in the soil in a form that plant life can more easily absorb. Larger organisms, like small animals, burrow in the soil which increases the airiness of the soil.

Does soil formation affect the fertility of soil?

No, soil formation doesn't affect the fertility of soil but soil looses its fertility by being exhausted.

How can soil lose its fertility?

how soil loosese fertility what is the answer

How does soil pH affect soil fertility?

soil fertility increases soil PH

What are the two main ways in which soil organisms contribute to the soil formation?

Look on another page bi**h

What are the two main ways in which soil organisms contribute to soil formation?

Look on another page bi**h