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Q: How would a manufacturer benefit by using fewer scarce resources?
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Using fewer resources than an economy is capable of using is?

use of fewer resources than the economy is capable of using

What is using fewer resources than an economy is capable of using called?

This situation is called underutilization. It can be both beneficial and harmful to a community. It's a benefit in that it saves some resources, but underutilizing resources can cause them to be produced in smaller numbers, leading to an imbalance as the resources are no longer underutilized because there is no longer a surplus.

What is using fewer resources than an economy is capable of using is called what?

This situation is called underutilization. It can be both beneficial and harmful to a community. It's a benefit in that it saves some resources, but underutilizing resources can cause them to be produced in smaller numbers, leading to an imbalance as the resources are no longer underutilized because there is no longer a surplus.

. What is using fewer resources than an economy is capable of using called?

This situation is called underutilization. It can be both beneficial and harmful to a community. It's a benefit in that it saves some resources, but underutilizing resources can cause them to be produced in smaller numbers, leading to an imbalance as the resources are no longer underutilized because there is no longer a surplus.

One of the results of the rapid use of natural resources is that?

there are fewer resources available.

Hunter-gatherer environmental impacts were kept low by?

their small population size and nomadic lifestyle. With fewer people, there was less demand for resources and smaller impact on the environment. Additionally, their mobility allowed them to move to different areas as resources became scarce, minimizing overexploitation of local ecosystems.

One of the results of the rapid use of natural resources is tha?

there are fewer resources available

Why did peasants and women benefit little from the Renaissance?

they had fewer rights

Why did Italy not industrialize sooner?

I think it is fewer resources

What is the benefit of recycling plastic and paper products to wildlife?

Fewer landfills

Why did hunter-gatherers have few possessions?

Hunter-gatherers had few possessions because they were nomadic and needed to travel light to keep up with their lifestyle of following food sources. Carrying fewer possessions also made it easier for them to move their camps and settle in new areas when resources became scarce. Additionally, their material needs were minimal as they relied on natural resources for their survival.

What is underutilization?

using fewer resources than an economy is capable of using