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decrease in the demand for money

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Q: If consumers begin using credit cards for all of their purchases you would expect to see inc demand for money dec demand for money dec in quantity demanded of money?
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Related questions

What happens to the quantity demanded for credit if the cost of borrowing increases or decreases?

As the cost of credit increases, the quantity demand decreases. in contrast, if the cost of borrowing drops, the quantity of credit demand rises.

What allows consumers to pay for purchases at a later date?

credit card

How do firms benefit from credit purchases?

They can charge extra money for the credit and encourage consumers to spend more.

What is an arrangement in which consumers agree to buy now and pay later for purchases?

This is the definition of "credit" purchases, forms of which include typical credit cards and installment loans.

What does the iPay system enable consumers to do?

The 'iPay' system enables consumers to pay for purchases on iTunes using on-line credit. This makes the system similar to using a credit card, however you can only use this credit on iTunes.

What are some Consumer Credit Advantages for Consumers?

There are many consumer credit advantages for consumers. Some of the pros include convenience, allows for large purchases and comes in handy in case of emergencies among others.

What is entry of credit and cash purchases?

Debit Purchases Credit Cash

Where do you find credit purchases in financial statements?

Credit purchases are shown in income statement as a part of total purchases.

What are credit purchases?

credit purchases are goods that you buy on credit and and pay little by little to pay to the person you owen.

What are functions of debit and credit cards?

Credit cards are issued to customers of companies who offer lines of credit. The card can be used to make purchases or payments in stores and online. Debit cards on the other hand are issued by banks or prepaid debit card companies. They have the same role as a credit card allowing consumers to make payments or purchases in stores and online, but can also be used to withdrawal money from an ATM.

How businesses promote credit to consumers?

Businesses promote credit to their consumers through the allowing of consumers to purchase products through credit transactions provided by the business.

What is the journal entry of credit purchase?

[Debit] Purchases account [Credit] Accounts Payable