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Because if you just print more money, then the value of that money will go down because of rapid inflation. It's hard to understand, but it's true.

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Q: If money is made of paper why can't you just make more?
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Related questions

What was acient chinese paper money made of?

If it is called "paper money", then presumably, it was made from paper.

Is money made out of paper?

Yes money is made from paper. But not the paper that they use for fake money. And coins are made from metal or copper....or even bronze. Money is made from paper.

Why can't money grow from trees?

if you are smart you would know that money can't grow from trees and you are the stupidest person alive also money is paper and you cant grow paper even if paper is made from trees so why even ask the question. this is all i can say.

What tree is paper money made from?

It is not paper from trees....It is made from cotton.

How did money get made?

From paper

Money isn't made out of paper it's made out of cotton?

it is made out of cotton and paper.

What is the first paper money made by congress?


How is money made today?

today money is our of paper

Where is paper money printed?

No suck thing as paper money. It's made of linen, silk, & cotton & it was made in 1862.

If trees produce paper and money is made of paper cant money grow on trees?

Okay, money is not, in any real sense, "made of paper". Sure, it's printed on paper (though calling the substance money is printed on "paper" is a bit misleading, because there's actually a large amount of cotton present in that "paper". But, what makes money money is the fact that the government proclaims it to be "legal tender". So, in the only sense that matters, money is made out of government proclamation, not paper. Moreover, trees do not produce paper directly. They produce wood. Humans produce paper by processing the wood (and, in the case of the paper used to print money, cotton as well). And humans make money by printing numbers, words, and the pictures of dead Presidents on the paper. The biological processes going on inside a tree, complex as they are, cannot duplicate these human processes. So, "money", even if it was nothing more than the paper and ink that went into physically producing the bills, still could not grow on trees.

What type of paper is US paper money made from?

Paper money is made from a blend of 75% cotton and 25% linen fibers to make it last longer.

What tree is paper mostly made from paper?

the money tree