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Q: In free-enterprise economy the least likely effect of economic growth would be?
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Critics claim that this type of economic system hinders economic growth-?

Critics claim that the planned economy, unlike the market economy hinders economic growth.

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How can the government promote growth in the economy

Economic growth in South Africa?

economic growth is the annual rate of increase in total production or income in the economy

To expadite the economic growth What does that mean?

To speed up or issue the growth of economy

What are the contributors to economic growth?

self controol of the economy

What is global economic downturn?

When the globalized economy, the economy of all countries, are in negative growth.

Economic growth is the aspiration of all developing countries Discuss whether it is always better to have economic growth in all economy?

I think economic growth is an aspiration in an developing countries I think economic growth is an aspiration in an developing countries

Are there types of economic growth?

Types of economic growth: There are two types of economic growth: 1.Balanced Economic Growth 2.Un-balanced Economic Growth 1.Balanced Economic Growth: All the economic sectors are growing at same ratio or percentage,this growth is known as balanced economic growth. 2.Un-balanced Economic Growth: When some sectors of the economy are growing faster than others,and their rate of growth is different to each other,this growth is known as un-balanced economic growth.

What indicators does not measure economic growth?

Economic growth can be measured in nominal terms, which include inflation. The growth of an economy is thought of not only as an increase in productive.

Is inadequate economic growth a cause of unemployment?

Where economic growth in an economy slows down, it's never a good thing. The employable population in any economy needs to have jobs available in the economy. Growth will do this, however, slow growth will not keep up with the number of people seeking jobs, thus creating unemployment.

What comes first economic growth or democracy?

Between economic growth and democracy, economic growth should come first. When a country is able to develop in terms of the economy, then it becomes easier to embrace democracy.