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Q: In what economic activities did Naples the southern most Italian city- state have a distinct advantage due to its location?
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What factors affect the location of different types of economic activities?

The location of natural Resources and energy will affect the various types of economic activities that come with access to said resources.

What is an individual's location in the economic sphere referred to as?

Social class is an individual's location in the economic sphere.

What are the obstacles to trade?

price economic policies , location , climate

Why are tertiary activities an important economic sector in the US?

Tertiary activities are an important economic sector in the United States because they account for around 75% of the labor force. Most Americans make their living through the provision of services and the distribution of goods. The location of tertiary activities is generally more flexible than that of manufacturing or primary activities, which frequently have to be located near their raw materials. Tertiary activities have grown most rapidly in the sun Belt. However, to say that tertiary activities are the most important sector of the economy is somewhat misleading. Tertiary activities cannot exist by themselves. Before raw materials and goods can be distributed, they mu8st be extracted, processed, and produced. The service industries are dependent on both the primary and secondary industries, as well as their workers. Thus, manufacturing and primary activities are very important to the economy as well.

A world economic activity map shows information about?

The different economic activity shown in that location.

Related questions

Definition of economic geography?

Definition of economic geography is a branch of geography that looks at the economic activities in a region. It will factor in the location, organization and distribution of these activities.

What factors affect the location of different types of economic activities?

The location of natural Resources and energy will affect the various types of economic activities that come with access to said resources.

How might geography affect the location of Economic activities?


What advantage of location contributed to the fondind and economic growth of quebec city?

the highland location along the St. Lawrence was strategically important

Impact of people on the location of economic activities?

In general geographical (and also anthropological) terms, the impact of people on the location of economic activities is decisive. The point may be put in this simple yet true way: where human beings are, there are economic activities. It should not be overlooked that the economic activities involved are typically both local (with resources of the immediate region utilized for local purposes) and extra-local (through the import/export exchanges that typically take place between regions with different economic balances).


Location theory is a branch of economic geography that analyzes the optimal location of economic activities. It aims to understand why certain businesses choose specific locations based on factors such as cost, accessibility, and competition. By studying location theory, businesses can make informed decisions to maximize profits and efficiency.

What geographic factors are responsible for the location of economic activities in southwest Asia and north Africa?

gasoline and oil are the most known one

How do the physical environment and location resources determine and affect the economic activities of Southeast Asia?

people tend to live near water food and transportation

How was amsterdams an location an advantage?

It was a great location for trade

What is an individual's location in the economic sphere referred to as?

Social class is an individual's location in the economic sphere.

How was new amsterdams an location advantage?

It was a great location for trade

What is the distinct group of human and physical features in a specific location called?

A. relative location B.absolute