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Q: In your opinion has globalization hurt or helped the people of the world?
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Globalization creates what?

Interconnections among the people and economies of the world

How has globalization helped work against Human rights violators around the world?

Improved global communications brings these abuses to the world's attention.

Globalization creates greater what?

Interconnections among the people and economies of the world

How do people and companies do business differently because of globalization?

people work for less time in the world. How people use time and distance to make a job so it takes more time and globalization

How was globalization tied into world war 1 and world war 2?

the people had eaten an ice cream cone

Why globalization is important in business world?

Globalization refers to the way in which the world has becomes more interconnected and "smaller". It is important in the business world as globalization allows for much more profit.

What is the increasing interconnectedness of peoples and countries around the world is known as what?

Globalization is the increasing interconnectedness of peoples and countries around the world through trade, technology, communication, and cultural exchange. This phenomenon has led to greater interdependence among nations and has implications for various aspects of society, including economics, politics, and culture.

Impact of globalization on business?

Globalization has opened up the world to more business opportunities. People from one country are able to trade with those in other countries freely and effectively.

Is globalization an issue for e-business?

Is Globalization an issue in e-business world?

How has globalization affected the study of geography?

the effect of globalization on information technology could be thatthe more people in the world the more knowledge there is to be shared with computers. as the human race develops there is alway a chance of someone being born who will know more.

What are peoples views on globalisation?

Most people don't know what it means. People who know its utility will want better globalization and better trade of goods and technology. There are skeptics who feel that globalization may lead to unemployment is developed world.

How has the internet affected the world?

Globalization has affected the world by helping technology spread around the world. It has helped us keep better communication with other counties. I am only 11 and I can answer this question ( on a 6th grade level ) so if this helps you it is fantastic for me.