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Q: Is an important responsibility of the derivative classifier to observe and respect the original classification authority and to use only authorized sources to determine derivative classification?
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What are the two types of Classification Authority?

Orignial classifier and derivative classifier

Who bears principal responsibility for derivative classification accuracy in new products?

Derivative classifiers

Is there a specific delegation of authority require for derivative classifier?

Yes, derivative classifiers must receive proper training and authorization from an Original Classification Authority (OCA) before they can apply derivative classification markings to documents. This delegation of authority ensures that individuals have the necessary knowledge and authority to correctly classify information based on the original classification guidelines.

A derivative classifier is the person who?

an OCA previously classified

When derivative classifiers incorporate classified information from existing content into a document and no additional interpretation or analysis is needed to deduce the classification of that inform?

Contained in: The concept that refers to the process of extracting classified information as it is stated in an authorized source of classification guidance without the need for additional interpretation or analysis, and incorporating this information into a new document.

Only authorized sources for derivative classification are:?

DD Form 254 Security Classification Guide Properly marked source document

What are the responsibilities of derivative classifiers?

The responsibility of a derivative classifier is to ensure that information that is included in a document or other materials have been classified. The individual also must carefully analyze material that they are to classify against any instructions that was provided to them from source documents.

What are responsibilities of derivative classifiers?

The responsibility of a derivative classifier is to ensure that information that is included in a document or other materials have been classified. The individual also must carefully analyze material that they are to classify against any instructions that was provided to them from source documents.

Has the principle responsibility for the quality of derivative classification?

DoD officials who sign or approve classified documents.

who Has the principle responsibility for the quality of derivative classification?

DoD officials who sign or approve classified documents.

Which of these is an authorized source for derivative classification 1 CGs 2 CGab5z 3 properly marked classified source materials 5 CGAr20x 5 DD Form 254?

The only authorized sources for derivative classification are SCGs, properly marked classified source materials, and DD Form 254.

Which of the following has principal responsibility for the quality of the derivative classification?

dod officials who sign or approve classified documents.