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yes. Equality is only possible when everybody is equally poor.

As long as you reward people for their effort, some will choose to put in less effort than others, and earn less as the result.

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Q: Is economic growth more important than economic equality?
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How are economic growth and productivity related?

Economic growth and productivity are directly related. The more productivity that there is in a nation, the more exponential that the economic growth will be.

What is necessary for economic growth?

the first and formost aspect in economic growth is human resource we will do more investment in human capital by investing particularly in education and health, we ll get more growth in our develop the human resources is most important

How are productivity are growth related?

Economic growth and productivity are directly related. The more productivity that there is in a nation, the more exponential that the economic growth will be.

What are the economic goals in the Philippines?

The economic goals in the Philippines are many. The most important include equity, economic growth, more employment opportunities and stability among others.

How is economic growth affected by culture?

The more economic growth, the more people migrate there, and thus various cultures mix and change.

What Promotes economic equality an cooperation?

Policies that promote fair wages, access to education, healthcare, and affordable housing are important for achieving economic equality. Encouraging cooperation through collaborations between government, businesses, and communities can also help create a more equitable economy where wealth is shared more equally among all members of society.

What are two ways the railroads influenced economic growth in the US?

Shipping the goods and more transportation brought people here to have economic growth

How do enterprises contribute to economic growth?

Business enterprises contribute to economic growth by providing employment opportunities. This allows for more financial success and more money to flow into the economy.

How do business enterprises contribute to economic growth?

Business enterprises contribute to economic growth by providing employment opportunities. This allows for more financial success and more money to flow into the economy.

Outcomes meets the economic goal of growth?

There are many outcomes that can meet economic growth goals. Some factors that could help meet economic goal growth would include more education, jobs, manufacturing, and industries.

Should economic growth be sacrificed if necessary in order to reduce poverty?

No. Economic growth is the best way to reduce poverty. Economic growth creates jobs. Economic growth should not be sacrificed, it should merely be more inclusive. More people should experience the benefits of it. Economic growth is a good thing. When economic growth slows or stops, people start worrying about themselves and stop worrying about others. When economic growth is good and people have jobs and money, they are more interested in helping others. When corporations make money, they expand and hire more people. Then those people have money to purchase goods and services. The companies who sell those goods and services hire people to produce those goods and provide those services.

What is the economic importance of carbonate?

yes,there is a importance of calcium carbonate as it helps the farmers to grow more good crops and this produces more growth of foodgrains and highly affects the economic growth of country.