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What is international economic instability

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Answer this question… economic problems caused by hyperinflation.

What is the root word of economy?

The root word of economy is "oikonomia", which comes from the Greek words "oikos" meaning "household" and "nomos" meaning "custom" or "law".

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I am not sure that there is a 'magic bullet' solution to China's or indeed the rest of the world's economic problems. The issue is the size and sustainability of Earth's human population and the resources they are consuming. It is an unsustainable situation. I however, admire China's attempt to address the root of this problem with the one child policy, it is at present the only country to do this.

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Root cause is just exactly that. It does analyze the root causes of problems and events. It aims at identifying the problem so that corrective actions can be taken to correct the problem.

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print. Mis is the prefix. If you can't answer have problems

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