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Q: Lack of security and its effects on government?
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ko mmg babi tau.. sial mintak jwapan x bgi.. pantat mak hang..

What is lack of security and its effects on industry?

Lack of securuity is unexpected pregnancies, like you (Tom Wilson)

Lack of security and its effects to economy?

Privacy activity increase because lack of security and make economy of a country easily being hack

What are the effects of lack of provisions?

Hunger and malnutrition are effects of lack of provisions.

What is insecurity?

A lack of security.

What are the effects of discrimination?

The effects of discrimination are devastating to both children and adults. Some effects are lack of self esteem, lack of confidence, and depression.

What are the effects of lack of socialisation?

Lack of socialization can lead to feelings of loneliness, isolation, and depression. It can also result in poor communication skills and difficulty forming relationships. Additionally, it may impact one's mental health and overall well-being.

What are the disadvantage of manual filing?

•Lack of security

What are the effects of war in africa south of the sahara?

The effects of war in this region are quite devastating and unfortunate. Some of them include depletion of infrastructure, lack of food security for the people, continued insecurity, poor medical services and facilities, and high cost of living.

Negative effects of migration?

well what i know is that there will be overcrowding, lack of work and a lack of housing.