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Q: Laissez-faire theory holds that government should play a very limited role in?
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What theory of government does limited government comes from?

Social contract theory

Is representative democracy a limited or unlimited government?

Representative democracy is a limited government because power is distributed among elected officials who operate within the constraints of a constitution or legal framework. These officials are accountable to the people through elections and are subject to checks and balances, preventing the concentration of power in any one individual or group.

Is a representative democracy limited or unlimited?

The traditional assumption about democracy is that it imposes strict checks on arbitrary power. Therefore, representative democracy should be, in theory, a limited government.

How does Limited government promote freedom?

Limited government allows citizens the ability to direct the future of their community and local policy. Limited government, in theory, promotes freedom by giving people a voice while limiting government influence over free markets and civil liberties.

The source of the theory of the limited power of government can be traced to the signed by king john of england in 1215?

Magna Carta :)

The source of the theory which advocated limited power of government can traced to which document signed by king john of England in 1215?

The Magna Carta

The source of the theory of the limited power of government can be traced to the what signed by King John of England in 1215?

The Magna Carta (Great Charter).

What is government force theory?

force theory of the government

Describe the concept of limited government?

The best description of the concept of limited government is the fact that the government is bound to do various things as set out by people. This is usually done in reference to the constitution.Government must operate within certain bounds set by the people.

The preambles to the constitution is a statement about why a government should be organized under which theory?

Social Contract

The Preamble to the Constitution is a statement about why a government should be organized under the Theory?

Social Contract

What following best describes the concept of limited government?

No government is all powerful; a government can only do what the people give it the power to do -just learned about the 6 principles of our constitution in government! hope that helps