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A mechanical mower-reaper

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Q: Mccormicks invention that vastly increased the productivity of the American grain farmer?
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McCormicks invention that vastly increased?

American Farmer

McCormick's invention that vastly increased the productivity of the American grain farmer?


What was McCormick's invention that vastly increased the productivity of the American grain farmer?

A Reaper is the harvester that McCormick designed.

Who increased the productivity of the American farmer?

Anderson and McCormick

Mccormick's invention that vastly increasedthe productivity of the American gain farmer?

Horse-drawn Reaper

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Increased selling products to markets, and traders.

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Facebook is American invention.

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all of Smith's ideas contributed in the American economy which lead to the increase of the productivity and output, it also increased the competitions in the market.

When was The Heroic Age of American Invention created?

The Heroic Age of American Invention was created in 1961.

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The Heroic Age of American Invention has 290 pages.

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the productivity of american