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Most people in the US support a Capitalism economic system in which you can make as much money as you like.

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Q: Most people in the US support an economic system that is?
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Which economic system has the most opportunity for people to have economic success?

Arguably capitalism

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A capitalist economic system is what supported the colonial economy. This meant that the economy was built upon people who could capitalize off of it.

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What is an economic system in which the government owns most property and businesses and people have little freedom?

Well, the name for this type of system is centrally planned, and one country with this economic system is China.

Do most people in the US support an economic system that is pure free market capitalism?

No they obviously don't as they have a social security system and their government has a lot of sway in economic affairs. the governments involvement in the resque package in the last economic crisis is another example of how people expect the government to save them from the excesses of free market capitalism. Not to mention a newly introduced national health scheme.

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The French economist most associated with the mercantile economic system was Colbert.

Economic system in which private businesses run most industries?

Capitalism is an economic system in which individuals and private businesses run most industries

What is the most effective economic system?

the most effective system i think is mixed market

What is the most common economic system?

A dictatorship

In the system workers are most productive and Nations economies functions most effectively when people and businesses can pursue their economic interest privately?


What is the most common economic system in the world?

Mixed economic systems combine elements of market and command economies. It is currently the most common economic system.