Speculators are individuals who risk their savings trying to gain from the difference between the current and the future price of a good or service. In doing so, they themselves influence the current price, because to buy or sell at current prices necessarily increases/decreases the current demand for that good or service.
Thus, through their actions, skillful speculators contribute to more correct pricing of goods and services. Those unskilled do the opposite, but will eventually go out of business if they continue to make wrong predictions.
how did bans help spur economic growth in 1780s
how did the homestead act encourage economic growth
U.S industries doing very well helped economic growth in the 1950s.
There are many outcomes that can meet economic growth goals. Some factors that could help meet economic goal growth would include more education, jobs, manufacturing, and industries.
Increasing domestic savings will not help economic growth. Growth requires increase in production. Saving money would mean people don't buy as much, so production will go down.
Democracy has nothing to do with capitalism, which is the economic system in the US. It would be capitalism that would be important to buying products. While democracy does not hinder economic growth, it does not help it either.
how did bans help spur economic growth in 1780s
how did the homestead act encourage economic growth
UV resistant polythene should not hinder plant growth, UV resistant refers to the material itself, if it is not UV resistant it will discolor and become brittle over time.
help mee
U.S industries doing very well helped economic growth in the 1950s.
U.S industries doing very well helped economic growth in the 1950s.
U.S industries doing very well helped economic growth in the 1950s.
There are many outcomes that can meet economic growth goals. Some factors that could help meet economic goal growth would include more education, jobs, manufacturing, and industries.
I think the opposite of "hinder" is "help".
Increasing domestic savings will not help economic growth. Growth requires increase in production. Saving money would mean people don't buy as much, so production will go down.
No it does not hinder nor help