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Q: The growth of what economic system was fostered by the Industrial Revolution?
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When did modern economic growth begin?

with the Industrial Revolution

What were the 2 causes of increased manufacturing workers in the U.S.?

Economic growth and Industrial Revolution

What did Canals contributed to economic growth during the Industrial Revolution by?

Shortening see voyages between industrial centers and foreign markets

Did the growth of the british empire cause the Industrial Revolution or did the Industrial Revolution cause the growth of the empire?

British empire growth and development caused the industrial revolution.

What industry did the industrial revolution in us began?

The Industrial Revolution began an era of per-capita economic growth in ..... nicknamed "Cottonopolis", and arguably the world's first industrial city.

How did the economic philosophy of mercantilism slow economic growth before the industrial revolution?

It prevented merchants from freely trading goods in foreign markets.

How did Industrialization and economic growth help ignite the full scale revolution?

The Industrial Revolution was where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and transport occured.

How did industrialization and economic growth help ignite full scale revolution?

The Industrial Revolution was where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and transport occured.

What is the connection between the agrarian an industrial revolution?

The agrarian revolution preceded the industrial revolution and laid the foundation for it by increasing agricultural productivity, leading to surplus food production and population growth. This population growth created a larger labor force that could be employed in the industrial sector, fueling the growth of factories and urbanization during the industrial revolution.

What innovation made it easier to produce iron and caused a rapid expansion in its use in the industrial revolution?

The use of coke pig iron in iron production made producing iron easier and caused a rapid expansion of its use during the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution allowed many countries to experience economic growth.

The Industrial Revolution was responsible for what of the urban centers?

growth :)

Why did Jefferson seem to fear the growth of cities in the Industrial Revolution?

He didn't because he was dead by the time the industrial revolution happened.