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Q: The means by which goods and services are bought and sold freely is known as a?
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The means by which goods and services are bought and sold freely is known as?


What are ohio's goods and services?

they are known for there tomatos as goods

What are unsought products?

Unsought products are goods and services that people do not buy on a daily basis and are not commonly known. These goods require a lot of effort and advertising because it doesnÕt have an immediate use once bought.

What is known as imports and exports?

Imports are goods or services brought into a country from another. Exports are goods and services sold to other countries.

System for producing good and services?

A system for producing goods and services is known as a production system. Goods are produced from raw materials, and services are activities performed.

The application of scientific discoveries to the production of goods and services is known as?

it is known as technology

What are the production distribution and consumption of goods and services?

An economy is a system for producing goods and services.

What Household spending on goods and services known as?

consumption spending

What is distributing goods and services in a fixed manner known as?


What are things bought from other countries called?

Goods or products bought from other countries are typically referred to as imports. This term distinguishes them from goods produced and sold within the country, known as domestic goods.

Systems for moving goods or services from producers to customers are known as?


Man-made goods used in the production of more goods and services are known as?

capital resources