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Q: The period after initial stimulus when I neuron is not sensitive to another stimulus is the?
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How is a stimulus transmitted across a synapse?

Neurons are responsible for transmitting a stimulus across a synapse. The electric potential of the neuron is sensitive to changes in the resting state and sets off electric transmissions.

A period after an initial stimulus when a neuron is not sensitive to another stimulus is the?

After the generation and propagation of an action potential along a neuron, the cell becomes depolarized to the point where there is no potential for further signaling until the cell re-polarizes through the action of ion pumps. This very brief period is called the refractory state.

How does a neuron indicate the strength of a stimulus?

A neuron conveys information about the strength of stimuli by varying the rate in which the stimulus is fired.

What neuron picks up a stimulus?

A sensory Neuron picks up the stimulus from the environment and changes it into a nerve impulse.

What stimulus below this intensity will result in no response in a neuron?

Threshold stimulus

Which neurons decide about the action for a certain stimulus?

Sensory neuron

What happens at the level of the neuron starting with stimulus and ending with a response?

The stimulus is detected by the sensory receptor. The sensory receptor stimulates a sensory neuron. The sensory neuron transmits to the interneuron in the spinal cord. The interneuron stimulates a motor neuron. The motor neuron communicates to the muscle. The muscle(effector) then produces the response allowing the body to respond to the stimulus.

What is the stimulus-response pathway involving a sensory neuron and a motor neuron?

Please see:What_happens_at_the_level_of_the_neuron_starting_with_stimulus_and_ending_with_a_response

What makes a neuron receive a stimulus?

An interaction with the world.

What is the pathway a stimulus followed to produce a response?

the neuron pathway

The strong stimulus can increase the?

Number of times the neuron fires

When a stimulus acts on a neuron it decreases the permeability of the stimulated point of its membrane to sodium ions?

False( When a stimulus acts on a neuron, it increases the permeability of the stimulated point of its membrane to sodium ions. )