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economics i guess

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Q: The study of the production and distribution of our wealth is?
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Is the study of how goods services and wealth are produced?

Economics is about the production and distribution and ownership and taxation of goods, services, and wealth.

What does the study of economics include?

Economics is the study of wealth and its distribution.

Economics is the study of living things in relation to each other?

Economics is the study of production, distribution and consumption of wealth. The study of living things in relation to each other is known as ecology.

What is having to do with the production distribution and consumption of wealth?


What are the three components of capitalism?

production, distribution, and exchange of wealth

What is the production and distribution and use of wealth?

political econamy

Economics can best be described as the study of?

Economics is described as the study of production, distribution, and consumption of goods an services, along with the transfer of wealth.

-give the definition of economics in less developed countries?

science of the production and distribution of wealth.

The study of economics focuses on?

production,distribution, and consumpition of goods and services

What do you call a system that looks at the production of goods the distribution of wealth and the ownership of land and industry?

economic systemcollective

What do we call a system that looks at the production of goods of the distribution of wealth and the ownership of land and industry?

a private system

What is meant by phrase distribution of wealth?

it is the distribution of money and wealth