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Floating exchange rate

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Q: The value of one's country's currency as compared to another country's currency?
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When the value of a country's currency goes up compared to another country's currency that is considered a?

First of all - your punctuation. You need a comma after the second "currency" so as not to confuse whether 'value' or 'currency' is the point - "When the value of a country's currency goes up compared to another country's currency, that is considered a...?" Bad thing, as the cost of goods and services of 'Currency A' go up when compared to 'Currency B.' People will want things priced in Currency B, perceiving them cheaper than Currency A goods and services.

What is the value of currency in one country compared with the value of currency in another?

This is called the Exchange Rate. You can look up exchange rates in newspapers, or in the internet.

What is an exchange rate used for?

An exchange rate if the value of currency of one country compared to that of Another Country. For example, it would be the value of a US Dollar measured by the value of Mexican Pesos.

If the world uses one currency which countrys currency will be the dominant currency or will a completely new currency be invented?

Most certainly the Euro will be the most dominant. Maybe a new currency, but the Euro has the most value.

What is exchanged rate used for?

An exchange rate if the value of currency of one country compared to that of Another Country. For example, it would be the value of a US Dollar measured by the value of Mexican Pesos.

What is the definition of devaluation of Indian currency?

The definition of devaluation of Indian currency is the loss of the value of the currency. This is a an adjustment of the country's currency value downwards compared to other major currencies in the world.

Drop in value of a currency pegged to gold or another currency?


What is the type of currency exchange rate system in which values stay constant?

A currency whose value is fixed either to the value of another currency, or to the value of gold, is called a "pegged currency"

What is use to determine the value of one currency against another?

The currency market.

How the currency value of each country decided?

How well their economy is doing determines what the value of their currency compared to other currencies. If it is doing well it is high but if it is doing badly it is low.

How does a currency appreciate?

An increase in the value of one currency relative to another currency. Appreciation occurs when, because of a change in exchange rates; a unit of one currency buys more units of another currency.

Why is there a difference in currency value between different countries?

Because the value of each currency is based on their economic strength. Currency is traded between countries - and one currency may be in more demand (increasing its value) than another.