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I think that the US influenced the long-run economic growth by the growth agriculture and industry

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Q: Through its policies and institutions how has the US influenced US long-run economic growth?
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What is the subject matter of political economy?

Political economy studies political processes through the application of rational choice theory and economic methods. It understands the world using a primarily individual, self-maximising framework and focuses heavily on political institutions and their effect on economic outcomes.

What is economic system and describe capitilism communism socialism?

Economic system is a system that involves the production, destribution and consumption of goods and services between the entities in a particular society. The economic system is composed of people and institutions, including their relationships to prductive resources. such as through the convention of property. it is the systemic means by which porblems of economics are addressed, such as the economic porblem of scarcity though allocation of finite productive resources.

What are two main expansionary policies?

When the government wants to stimulate economic growth through Fiscal Policy, it will often attempt one of two approaches. It will either cut consumer taxes to give them more disposable income, or it will spend more money on government programs. Both of these policies are considered expansionary.

How best to manage economic down turn?

Your question is a big one. Economic downturn is when the economy's demand is low, which leads to the relatively inactive economy. To manage this, the government will try to stimulate the economy directly (by increase government spending) or indirectly (through tax, regulations, policies) so the demand raise.

What do you understand by economic system?

An economic system contains three types, market,command, and traditional. Market is selling stuf on your own, traditional is well a tradition and commmand is being told to do so by the government.(Is a system that involves production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, Between entities in a particular society. composed of people and institutions.) (Is a system that involves production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, Between entities in a particular society. composed of people and institutions.)

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Television helped spur economic growth through advertisements or commercials. People were influenced by the advertisements and bought the products they were seeing.

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i was wondering tha myself

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Some theorists believe that poverty can be reduced through policies of inclusive growth. This means that when there is economic growth in a society, equitable opportunities are given to members of that society.

How did FDR's New Deal break with Herbert Hoover's policies toward the depression?

The US government would take a stronger, more active role in the crisis through direct economic policies.

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Roles of financial institutions ranges from operating as a simple method of savings to its major important function as a source of revitalization within Nigerian economy through to various complex economic activities

Was the New Deal an economic relief program created during the 1930?

Yes, the New Deal was an economic relief program created during the 1930s by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression. It aimed to provide relief, recovery, and reform through various government programs and policies to stimulate the economy, create jobs, and stabilize financial institutions.

What is the subject matter of political economy?

Political economy studies political processes through the application of rational choice theory and economic methods. It understands the world using a primarily individual, self-maximising framework and focuses heavily on political institutions and their effect on economic outcomes.

Which institution through which society makes and enforces its policies?

The institution through which society makes and enforces its policies is called government.

How was Joseph Stalin communist?

He was a traditional communist through his policies and governing policies.

Why do you think the North failed to follow through with policies that would have secured the rights and economic status of the freedmen?

Although the north fought for the blacks to be free, they did not think they should be equal. Therefore, they did not follow through because they discriminated as much as people from the south did.

What is economic system and describe capitilism communism socialism?

Economic system is a system that involves the production, destribution and consumption of goods and services between the entities in a particular society. The economic system is composed of people and institutions, including their relationships to prductive resources. such as through the convention of property. it is the systemic means by which porblems of economics are addressed, such as the economic porblem of scarcity though allocation of finite productive resources.

What are two main expansionary policies?

When the government wants to stimulate economic growth through Fiscal Policy, it will often attempt one of two approaches. It will either cut consumer taxes to give them more disposable income, or it will spend more money on government programs. Both of these policies are considered expansionary.