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Under socialism, society controls the means of production.

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Q: Under Socialism who controls production?
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Economic system which government controls the factors of production for the public good?

Under state capitalism, the government controls the means of production. But this is for the benefit of the ruling class, not for ‘the public good’.

What is the type of economy where government controls all industry and production?

State capitalism. In Socialism it is the people who control production and distribution, the aim of production being to meet human need.

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A command economy, such as communism or socialism, is a political system where the government controls the production of all food and goods. This system aims to centrally plan and coordinate economic activities to achieve specific objectives.

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Socialism is when ownership of production and distribution is controlled collectively or by the government. The opposite of socialism is capitalism.

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Socialism is a classless stateless society based on production for use. Anarchism is about abolishing government. Some anarchists (such as Kropotkin) also wanted a Socialist society, but many others do not.

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