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the Great Depression

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Q: What 1929 event aggravated the economic decline in the US?
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What event occurs on October 29 1929?

It was the day that marked the decline of the stock market.

What economic event was the focus of the US and the countries of the world during the 1930s?

The Great Depression, which began in 1929, included the crash of the US stock market, and was aggravated by the Dust Bowl (1930-1936) in the agricultural areas of the Great Plains.

What was the name of the severe economic decline that lasted from 1929 until the us entry into ww2 in 1941?

The Great Depression.

What is a economic depression and when did it last happen?

October 29, 1929 The Great Depression began it meant the decline in work and high unemployment at the time

Why were the 1930s called the devil's decade?

It was a period of financial difficulty caused by the 1929 Wall Street Crash that led to a global depression. Britain had an economic decline

What event ended the economic prosperity of the 1920?

The stock market crash of 1929 put an end to the prosperity of the 1920s in the United States.

What event triggered the great?

The Stock Market crash that occurred on October 29, 1929 is primarily responsible. It soon led to the worldwide economic downturn known as the Great Depression.

What caused the stock market crash of 1929&altQ=What event caused the stocl market to crash in 1929?

Among the other causes of the eventual market collapse were low wages, the proliferation of debt, a struggling agricultural sector and an excess of large bank loans that could not be liquidated. ... Stock prices began to decline in September and early October 1929, and on October 18 the fall began

Which event happened shortly after this newspaper notice first appeared?

The stock market crashed in October 1929, shortly after this newspaper notice first appeared. This event marked the beginning of the Great Depression in the United States and had far-reaching economic consequences worldwide.

What was the news on October 30 1929?

On October 30, 1929, also known as "Black Tuesday," the U.S. stock market experienced a significant crash, marking the beginning of the Great Depression. This event led to a severe economic downturn worldwide, with stock prices plummeting and many investors losing substantial amounts of money. It is considered one of the most significant events in economic history.

Which event occurred on October 29 1929 it was the start of the Great Depression?

The event is called Black Tuesday

The worst single event of the great stock market crash of 1929?

Thursday October 24, 1929 or Black Tuesday