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1. Inflation redistributes income in the favor of the rich and the profiteer class at the cost of the poor masses - the wage-earners and consumers.

2. Through its redistributive effects, inflation increases the inequality of income in the community by widening the gulf between higher income groups and lower income groups. The rich become richer and the poor become poorer during inflation.

3. Inflation is regressive in effect in the sense that it hits hard those who are already weak and cannot protect themselves. It is specially the middle class which suffers most due to inflation.


1. Deflation means falling prices in general which adversely affect the marginal efficiency of capital. Consequently, investment volume tends to contract causing unemployment to increase.

2. Deflation paves the way for depression. In a depressionary phase, economic activity contracts, scale of production is curtailed, output shrinks no new investment if forthcoming; on the contrary, investment is curtailed.

3. By reducing aggregate income, it also pauperizes every group in society. It inflicts on society the harsh punishment of mass unemployment.

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Could you tell me some points on Inflation rate its advantage and disadvantage?

Inflation rate of a country is the rate at which the price of essential commodities in a country is increasing. There is no specific advantage of Inflation, but all country's need to have inflation. If prices of commodities do not go up, then the country's economy is said to be in a stand still. An inflation rate of around 5% is considered a healthy inflation rate and it represents an economy that is growing at a steady pace Disadvantages: When the inflation of a country goes beyond control say for example 10% or more then it has a lot of ill effects on the country & its citizens 1. The spending power of the common man comes down 2. Essential commodities prices shoot up and people cannot afford things like food, clothing & shelter etc...

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income expansion curve The ICC is a line that is formed when many indifference curves are seen and their attainable points are plotted. The line that is formed by connecting these points is the ICC. The expansion path is the same concept, but for isoquants. Isoqants being the two inputs that are needed in production. indifference curves are from consumer theory that a person has to choose between two goods.

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In simple, non-mathematical language, B-Splines will create a smooth curve through automatic smoothing between two consecutive control points without having to adjust any handles like one would have to do with Beziers.

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