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what are the six that cause a change in supply

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Q: What are she six factors that cause a change in supply and explain them?
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What are the Factors that can cause a change in supply?

In most models, the factors that can cause a change in supply include: 1) Change in the capital stock. 2) Change in the labour stock. 3) Change in the level of technology. 4) Change is utilisation rates of capital and labour.

What factors cause the supply curve to shift?

Change in: production costs; production environment; price of related good; law; labour demand/price.

What factors cause a shift to the right in the aggregate supply curve?

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What Factors that cause supply curve to shift?

Factors that cause the entire supply curve to move either left or right are called the determinants of supply.These include:Expectations of suppliersPrice of resourcesNumber of suppliersTechnologyTaxes/SubsidiesPrices of other resources produced

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Weathering and erosion cause exposed land to change.

Which is not a natural cause of climatic change?

The unnatural cause of climatic change, is the factors that are facilitated by humans.

What is the determinents of supply?

It is the factor when they change they cause supply curve to shift to either left or right.

What factor causes the greatest change in gene pools?

Environmental factors cause the greatest change in gene pools. some of these factors are radiation,pollution,food supply,population,predators,and camouflage. Of these factors the most important to today's gene pool is radiation because it causes mutation in the chromosomes and can completely change an organism.

How does supplies affect the price of a product?

A higher price will cause an increase in supply, assuming that all other factors remain constant. Likewise, a decrease in price will cause a decrease of supply and an increase in demand.

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Will an increase in supply without any changes in demand will cause the price to rise?

No, an increase in supply without a change in demand will cause the price to fall.

Identify two factors that could cause enzyme denaturation?

Temperature and pH are the two factors that can cause enzymes to denature.