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Q: What are some of the European Union's greatest achievements?
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Will the UK leaving the European Union EU affect government relations across Europe?

It will have some effects, but not a lot. The European Union is an organisation. The UK leaving will not end their connections with other countries in Europe that are members of the European Union or other European countries. It will take time to see what the results are. There is still some uncertainty as to what will happen next.

Where does the European Union Parliament meet?

Officially Strasbourg in France, but it also sits some of the time in Brussels in Belgium. The Secretariat of European Parliament is based in Luxembourg.

Which European countries have a predominantly pure European ancestry?

All European countries have a predominately pure European ancestry. Europeans, on average, compose over 90%+ of each European country's population, and in some cases, account for almost 100%. This includes all European ethnic groups and not just the country's native group. For example, the Ukraine is only about 78% Ukrainian (a European ethnic group) but is also about 17% Russian (another European ethnic group). But most countries, such as Germany, have their native group as over 90% of the population.

Is the European Union a colonial power?

Sort of. Several countries within the European Union still hold several colonies and territories around the world, some of which are part of the European Union. However, the EU as a whole is not considered a colonial power.

What are the military goals of the European Union?

The European Union does not have a military goal. Military and defence matters are outside the EU's area of responsibility. They are handled by each country, some of which cooperate between each other in military matters, some of which don't.

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