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Q: What are the advantages of coelenterate?
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Is coral a coelenterate?

yes it is.

Is jellyfish a coelenterate animal?


How do waste product leave a coelenterate's body?

A coelenterates body is basically a jelly like bag. The waste products of a coelenterate is excreted through the anus of the body.

What is the Cnidarians common name?

The old name is coelenterate.

Bell-shaped body plan like that of a jellyfish?

coelenterateJelly fish have a body plan that is described by biologists as coelenterate. They are eyeless, brainless, boneless and made up of 95% water.

Is a Coelenterate a vertebrate or invertebrate?

Eels are vertebrates and chordates.

Why is the jellyfish classified as coelenterate because it has?

Jelly fish is classified as a coelenterate because (1)there is a cavity. (2)body is made up of two layers of cells (inside and outside) (3)extensively water animals..

Are aquatic animals porifera or coelenterate?

Not all aquztic animals are porifera or coelenterate. There are molluscs, crustraceans, and even mammals amoung them. Porifera consists of all the sponge species and Coeletrata is a vast group consisting of hydra, cnideria etc.

What is the habitat of invertebrate coelenterate?

the invertebrates coelentrate mostly lives in water or moist lands


Animals that don't have a backbone (spine) - arthropod, mollusc, annelid, coelenterate are examples.

What is phylum coelenterate?

most sexually reproducing sponges are hermaphoaites producing both eggs and sperm

What is an actinosome?

An actinosome is the body of a coelenterate, a simple aquatic animal bearing tentacles, such as jellyfish and anemones.