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The copyright Act also makes provision for criminal penalties of £5,000 or imprisonment for up to 3 years for the first convicton the maximium fine or imprisoment penalty for second conviction is £10,000 or 5 years

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Q: What are the consequences for copyrighting?
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When did copyrighting start?


Why is copyrighting and issue?

I say yes.

What is the fine for copyrighting music?

$500 To $1000

What are the consequences of copyrighting?

The intent of copyright is to encourage creativity by making it financially viable to create for a living, by controlling scarcity in the marketplace. One would hope, therefore, that the consequence of copyright is indeed more creativity. An argument against this is that people were creating art, music, and literature long before copyright ever existed.

Fees for copyrighting?

Your mom will get mad at you and eat your dog.

How can I go about copyrighting my home-based business?

The best way to go about copyrighting your home based business would be to visit the sba government website. A person can go online to visit the website.

Copyrighting of a word?

A word would not be copyrightable, it could however, be trademarked.

Do you get a ticket for copyrighting?

You can receive a fine and prison sentence for infringing copyright.

Is Downloading Movies Copyrighting?

Downloading movies is a form of copyright infringement.

How long can you be jailed for copyrighting?

Copyrighting your own work is not a punishable offense. Punishment for infringing others' copyright can result in up to five years in prison, but it's more frequently resolved through fines.

What are the advantages of copyrighting?

Copyright allows creators to make financial gain from their work.

Can you print a copy of the first chapter of Percy Jackson The Titan's Curse?

no, that's copyrighting.