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the increased opportunity costs in tourism

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Q: What are the examples to increase the opportunity cost in tourism?
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What is an increase in opportunity cost?

an increase in oppourtunity cost is rasing of chicken and rice.

Explain with the help of production possibility diagram the concept of opportunity cost?

Opportunity cost is the amount you might lose if you do not take the opportunity. You can write out the graph or find examples online.

Why do opportunity cost increase as society produces more of a good?

Because when one produces one product, the opportunity cost of the other product increases. The concave represents the increasing opportunity cost with the production of a good.

Does increasing opportunity cost occur when resources are being used at their peak efficiency when does opportunity cost increase?

it is a sacrifice that one has to make between the alterntive he or she chooses to the next best alterntive

The opportunity cost of each additional tank in terms of autos.......?

Increase as more tanks are produced.

What is opportunity cost and opportunity benefit?

Opportunity cost is the cost that an opportunity presents. The opportunity benefit is the benefit of the opportunity that is being presented.

Why does the opportunity cost of doing homework increase as you spend more time doing it?

Opportunity cost of doing homework increases as you spend more time doing it because of the time you are allocating for it. You can be accomplishing something else.

Give two examples of the possible opportunity cost of a government building a new hospital?

Agriculture and animal husbandry

What are the examples of opportunity cost in a business?

An opportunity cost means that, in order to do one thing, you must give up something else (those something else's are the opportunity costs). An example of an opportunity cost would be the large amount of money that would need to be invested in order for a company to make itself more environmentally-friendly (like installing solar panels).

What are some examples of cost drivers in accounting?

Cost drivers are activities that increase the cost of a product. Direct labor and packaging are both cost drivers for products.

What does the word opportunity cost means?

Opportunity cost means that there is an opportunity to get something in a lower cost. __by Alondra Rico

What are the examples of opportunity?

Some examples of opportunity costs are:giving up your favorite movie to study (in order to get good grades). The opportunity cost is the movie that has been forgone.attending Baseball training (in order to be a better player) instead of going to your favorite night club when the best artiste would be performing; the club has been forgone/opportunity cost/best next alternative.Opportunity costs are the benefits you could have received by taking an alternative action.