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The factors of production in an economic system describe functions the resources do. Economic resources are labor, land, enterprise, and capital.
The government controls the factors of production in each economic system.

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Q: What are the factors of production in an economic system?
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a system indivivisuals own the factors of production and decide how to use them.

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Do economic resources include both production and the factors of production?

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What is the name of an economic system in which private citizens own the factors of production?

I believe the answer is "a command economy"It is market economy

Economic system in which individuals control the factors and means of production is called?

Free Enterprise

Economic resources are also known as?

Factors of production.

Factors of production history?

Factors of production are essential conditions or resources that favor economic production, and include land, labor, entrepreneurship, and capital.

Under which economic system would factors of production most likely be owned by the government?

Communism is one chief example where production is a ward of the state. In this system the means to production and national resources are communal rather than private property.