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Deficit spending will ultimately lead the country further and further into debt. It is impossible to spend money that you don't have.

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Q: What are the implications of a budget deficit for US citizens?
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Why are huge negative numbers important?

They are useful for recording huge debts: such as the US budget deficit or trade deficit.

How much is the US deficit in 2007?

For 2007, the budget deficit totaled $162 billion, a five-year low.

The amount of money the us government borrows to fund the national budget is the annual?

deficit. -source: e2020

How much would each US citizen need to pay to eliminate the US deficit?

A:$48,915.74Amount of US deficit$11,042,553,971,450.40American citizens over the age of 18:225,746,457Divide the deficit amount between the amount of adults

What is the main cause for US debt?

At its simplest definition, if the government spends more then it gains, in a single year, then it has, what is called a 'budget deficit'. If there is a deficit, it adds to the US debt.

Why do you think the us space program should continue?

I think the space program should continue when the USA has a balanced budget, $0 national deficit, no unemployment, and equal education & health care for all citizens.

Does the US Constitution Allow the Congress to Intentionally Operate the Government in a Deficit?

There is nothing in the US Constitution that prevents Congress from operating the government in a deficit. Some advocate for a balanced budget amendment to change this.

What led to the largest US budget deficit in the 1980's?

High military spending and tax cuts.

Which of these is most closely associated with the level of US imports and exports A budget deficit B national debt C trade deficit D inflation rate?

C- the trade deficit which is exactly exports-imports

When the US government runs a budget deficit this action creates?

to protect national security an increase in the real exchange rate of the dollar

What was the total deficit when Obama took office?

US budget deficit for 2008 $400 billion. Budget for $2009 $999.95 Billion. 2010 is expected to be $1.43 Trillion. --------- The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office projected the 2009 deficit as $1.2 trillion on January 7, 2009. This was the last estimate they did while Bush was president. These estimates depend on many variables of course, so they are really rough estimates, but clearly the current year deficit was running somewhere above $1trillion when Obama took office.