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Q: What are the major economic activities in the Interior West?
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What are the major economic activities in the West?


What economic activities in the interior west of the US are related to the ares natural resouses?

i have no clue

What are three mainn economic activities in the interior west?

Agriculture{farming}, Livestock and, Oil are my guess...

What is the economic activities on the interior west?

ranching and agriculture,use irrigation and raise sheep and cattle

What are the most important economic activities in the West Indies?

i have know idea

What are the two main economic activities in the west indies?

farming and tourism

What is the major factor affecting the West's economic activity?


Why is the interior West different from other economic regions in the US?

a dry climate affects economic activity in the broad Interior west. Ranching is more common than farming in this region. A single cattle or sheep ranch may cover 2,000 acres or more

The growth of tertiary activities has?

led to greater economic and population growth in the south, southwest and west

What growth of tertiary activities in the US has?

led to greater economic and population growth in the South, Southwest, and West

The protest movement supported by Reagan Interior Secretary Watt that attempted to reduce federal environmental controls on industrial activities in the West?

Sagebrush Rebellion

What are two major sources of income for the people of the west indies?

The West Indies were a source of great economic fortune for European nations. Sugar and the slave tradeÊwere two of the greatest economic interests in the area.