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In a free-market economy hard work and personal initiative equal success. All businesses exist to make a profit and competition allows them to compete and provide customers with a selection, and the ability to get the best price for their product. In the free market system poorly made or expensive products will be rejected from the marketplace by the consumers.

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Q: What are the pros of a free-market economy?
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United Arab Emirates, for one.

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The US, Japan and Germany are all market economies. In a traditional economy. In market economies, economic decisions are made by individuals.

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No, construction is a good career to get into presently based on the economy. You can read about the pros and cons at

What is freemarket system?

It means the the business is privately owned and operated. It is not owned or controlled by the goverment.

Pros of a traditional economy?

somebody just write some fucqing pros and cons on here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! geez . i just want to do my history homework ): . you guys are all fucqing kunts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What are the pros and cons of command economy?

Pros A sense of community within the economy Income equality Potential to get things done very quickly Cons Little innovation No competition within the economy Firms will have a hard time competition in the world market The quality of the good are detrimental Inefficient allocation of resources Lack of Freedom Lack of personal gain Generally, there is a lower standard of living when compared to a free market economy

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Their purchases.

In a freemarket system producers are motivated to reduce costs and increase revenues because of which of the following?

Profit Motive

How do you get Tobi throwing stars?

You can buy them from the freemarket, and other people. Or you can find them from places such as Mysterious Path 3 or the Master Chronos in Ludibrium