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Q: What are the wealth and power of landlords in ancient times?
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The men that held power in towns in medieval times were the bishops, priests, kings, queens, and the landlords.

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How did the Phoenician gain their wealth and power?

They found snails that produced purple dye, and they sold it. They also had large cedar forests, and dyed the cedar logs with the purple dye that they got from the snails. They sold both things, many times successfully, and that's how they gained their wealth and power.

How did Phoenicians gain their wealth and power?

They found snails that produced purple dye, and they sold it. They also had large cedar forests, and dyed the cedar logs with the purple dye that they got from the snails. They sold both things, many times successfully, and that's how they gained their wealth and power.

What was the use of statues in Ancient Greece?

In the ancient civilizations, statues demonstrated power or beauty. They could be used to relic past events, ruling power, or wealth. But, in Chinese and Egyptian times, statues could be used as traditional relics.

Why were mariages in Tudor times arragened?

Marriages among the ruling elite of England in all eras were arranged to make alliances against enemies, and more common in a less war-stricken times, to increase wealth. If a wealthy man is married to the daughter of a wealthy neighbour, through children the lands will be united into one unit and the wealth of the family in real terms doubles. Do that often enough and your power base enlarges as does your wealth and wealth and land equalled power. Arranged marriages were also undertaken, often by the king refusing certain matches and then demanding other matches to prevent such power bases from forming. King John used to do this. In Tudor times it was all about power and wealth as well, marry two people with tenuous claims to the throne, their offspring has a stronger claim to the throne. Lady Jane Grey was one such.

What did nobles do in ancient China?

You know, the awesome stuff like wine, sheep, fruits and stuff. Tough luck to the poor.

How many times is wealth mentioned in bible?

The word "wealth" is in the King James Version of The Bible 27 times. It is in 27 verses.

How many times is wealth mentioned in the bible?

The word "wealth" is in the King James Version of the Bible 27 times. It is in 27 verses.

Who invented Theocracy?

Priests who were interested in political power. Theocracy is not a new concept; it was common in ancient Egypt and other ancient cultures. It may have existed even in prehistoric times.

What power did Aesop the Greek goddess have?

Aesop was not a Greek goddess. Aesop was a teller of fables that come down from ancient times.