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Non price competition examples: BAPSI

Branding - gain a unique edge over competitors

Advertising - build up brand loyalty

Packaging - appeal visually to the market

Service - good customer service leads to repeat purchasing

Information - such as ingredients, were produced etc... so consumers feel well informed

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Q: What are three examples of non price competition?
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What is non competition?

Non Price Competition is where a company compete against it's competitors by providing an unique niche, higher quality of service or efficiency

What is nonprice competition?

Non-price competition refers to competition among firms that choose to distinguish their product via non-price means. EX: style, delivery, location, atmosphere, promotions, etc. Non-price competition is often used by firms that wish to differentiate between virtually identical products (dry-cleaners, food products, cigarettes, etc). Although any firm can use non-price competition, it is most common among monopolistically competitive firms. The reason for this is that firms which operate in the monopolistically competitive market are price takers, that is, they simply do not have enough market power to influence or change the price of their good. Consequently, in order to distinguish themselves, they must use non-price means.

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The purpose of advertising and other forms of non-price competition is to shift demand up and make it inelastic, also called the d curve.