

What are traditional economies?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Economy dominated by methods and techniques that have strong Answers.comsupport even though they may be old-fashioned or out of date. In ENGLISH it means techniques pased down from genarations to genarations

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13y ago
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Q: What are traditional economies?
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Traditional economies are also known as?

barter economies where goods and services are exchanged without the use of money.

Where are there traditional economies?

a traditional economy is a substance farming

What are the three main types of economies?

Command, traditional, and market economies

Do traditional economies have one leader?

Yes it does

What is the locations of traditional economies?

Mostly Africa.

Why are there so few traditional economies in the world today?

Traditional economies lead to less economic prosperity than capitalist and planned economies because of the efficiency of industrial production. As a result, people are voting with their feet and wallets to leave traditional economies and embrace capitalism or some other form of industrial economy.

What are the main features of a traditional economy?

An underdeveloped economy in which communities use primitive tools and methods to harvest and hunt for food, often resulting in little economic growth. Traditional economies are often found in rural regions with high levels of subsistence farming. Countries that evolve their economies past the traditional level often develop into market economies or command economies.

What countries have traditional economies?

United States of America y Mexico

What countries have command traditional market economies?

many many many :)

The most accepted argument in favor of market economies is their efficiency The argument most accepted in favor of command economies is the belief that they are?

More Traditional

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Traditional economy