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Adam's Smith's Invisible Hand of the Marketplace is the theory that economic imbalances are self-correcting, not requiring intervention by government so long as the equal rights of the individual are respected. The Invisible Hand of the Marketplace is also referred to as the principle of Spontaneous Order or the Laissez-Faire principle.

The concept of spontaneous order was understood by Chinese philisophers such as Zhuangzi (369BC - 286BC)

"Good order results spontaneously when things are let alone."

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Q: What did Adam smith mean when he talked about the invisible had of the marketplace?
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Who first talked about the invisible hand of the marketplace?

Adam Smith

Who first talked about the invisible hand of the market?

Adam Smith, 1776, in the book The Wealth of Nations.

Adam smith argured that business activity would be regulated by the forces of what?

The "invisible hand" of the marketplace - the buyers and sellers.

Adam Smith argued that free trade produced the wealth of nations through?

Adam Smith made the argument that free trade produced the wealth of nations through what he called the invisible hand. The invisible hand refers to the way the marketplace is self-regulating. Smith was a Scottish philosopher.

Adam Smith's ideas about the Invisible hand?

The greatest benefit to a society is brought about by individuals acting freely in a competitive marketplace in the pursuit of their own self-interest.

What do we mean when we say invisible hand?

Adam Smith's invisible hand theory

According to Adam Smith the market was directed by?

an invisible hand.

According to Adam smith the market was directed by which of these?

an invisible hand

What are two factors that regulate a marketplace according to Adam smith?

Supply and demand are the 2 factors that regulate a marketplace.

What did Adam smith mean by the invisible hand of the marketplace?

Adam Smith's invisible hand refers to the self correcting features of a free market. Prices respond to the combined influences of supply and demand, and no regulatory agency or deliberate guidance is needed to make this happen, it happens by itself. When there is reduced supply and/or increased demand, prices will rise, and so forth. It is as though someone is making it happen, yet you do not see anyone doing it, so it is like an invisible hand.

Does Adam smith's invisible hand also function in traditional and command economies?

no it didn't

What is Adam smith's theory on economics?

Adam Smith believed that all people in the economy are guided by the "invisible hand", which means that people act mainly out of self interest.