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They make people want to move to that country

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Q: What do trade agreements do to encourage economic growth?
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How can international trade agreements lead to economic growth?


What do trade agreement do to encourage economic growth?

They make people want to move to that country

Nafta and gatt were trade agreements supported by president clinton in order to?

to stimulate economic growth in the United States

What organization was set up in order to encourage economic development and global trade growth?

WTO, World Trade Organization. It commenced January 1st 1995.

These groups may be seeking military aid economic aid or favorable trade agreements?

Foreign interest groups may be seeking military aid, economic aid, or favorable trade agreements.

Trade fairs what?

Encouraged economic growth

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what is one major goal of us economic foreign policy?

creating trade agreements

What economic policies led to France's economic growth?

Free Trade with the U.S

How did trade fairs affect the economic growth?


What are SEZs and what benefit they provide to the international trade and marketer?

SEZs are special economic zones which have their own laws to encourage growth, foreign investment and trade. What happens in these zones depends very much on the countries that they are in and the industry associated with the zone.

What economic alliance is Mexico a member of?

Not much alliances but trade and commerce treaties, Mexico is one of the countries with most trade agreements in the world, having 12 free trade agreements with over 40countries including North and Central America, the European Free Trade Area and Japan, putting more than 90% of its trade under free trade agreements.