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Q: What does Adam smith's invisible hand and refers to the role of?
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What was Adam smiths invisible hand theory?

when you get touched by a ghost in the wrong places

What do we mean when we say invisible hand?

Adam Smith's invisible hand theory

Economics refers to invisible hand what does it mean?

Invisible Hand in Economics, explains when the forces of demand and suppy in the market is determined by prices of goods and services.It was analysed by one famous Economist known as Adam Smith

Adam Smith argued that free trade produced the wealth of nations through?

Adam Smith made the argument that free trade produced the wealth of nations through what he called the invisible hand. The invisible hand refers to the way the marketplace is self-regulating. Smith was a Scottish philosopher.

Who first talked about the invisible hand of the marketplace?

Adam Smith

According to Adam Smith the market was directed by?

an invisible hand.

According to Adam smith the market was directed by which of these?

an invisible hand

Who wrote about the invisible hand in a market economy?

The person who wrote about invisible is a great economist,who is also considered as the father of economics "adam smith".he is the person who wrote about invisible hand.

What did Adam smith mean by the invisible hand of the marketplace?

Adam Smith's invisible hand refers to the self correcting features of a free market. Prices respond to the combined influences of supply and demand, and no regulatory agency or deliberate guidance is needed to make this happen, it happens by itself. When there is reduced supply and/or increased demand, prices will rise, and so forth. It is as though someone is making it happen, yet you do not see anyone doing it, so it is like an invisible hand.

Does Adam smith's invisible hand also function in traditional and command economies?

no it didn't

What did Adam Smith say the free market economy is regulated by?

It was self-regulated by the "invisible hand."

What was the invisible hand theory propsoed by Adam smith?

the economy will automatically adjust to the needs of buyers and sellers