Social Studies tests basically give you a quiz on your knowledge on what went on. refer social studies to history , and that might it easier for u to understand.
Do you mean "barter"? If so, that's the trading of goods and services, as distinct from offering a medium of exchange (i.e., money). Barter is extremely problematic for states with sales taxes.
economics is a social science which studies in which man acquires and produces goods and services to satisfy human wants
Barter system
Our class reenacted a silent barter scene.
Balance of trade, barter, bias, branches of government, bureaucracy and business cycle are social studies words. They begin with the letter b.
Environment means a certain surrounding, place, or a location in Social Studies.
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It means that it is a social history that your studying.
mean postion
To deal out or give out.
it is in socialstudies realt
greek civilzations