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A country with a high GDP has either high net exports (exports-imports) wherein it is has a good performance in trade, high FDI (foreign direct investment) from private firms outside the country, high consumption (its citizens are able to spend and acquire goods), and high government spending either for technological advancement, labor development, and infrastructure.

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11y ago

well most countries only have one capital so obviously this is an invention by a country with one capital to show that it is better than a country with two capitals by dividing that country's GDP by two. What a good trick. I sometimes try that on people with two brains. I calculate intelligence per brain.

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because the GDP for the country is high, the GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product, this is just a fancy way of saying how much money the country produces. GDP percapita is another way of saying the GDP but for one person. The higher the GDP the wealthier the country so England obviously has a high GDP. But don't be fooled knowing the GDP does not tell you how developed the country is England is a developed country because of things like adult literacy, life expantacy at birth, the amount of people working etc. Hope it helped

What can raise GDP in a country?

A recession.

How does literacy rate affect GDP?

A higher literacy rate can positively impact GDP by improving workforce productivity, promoting innovation and technology adoption, and fostering a more educated and skilled labor force. Literate populations are more likely to engage in higher-value economic activities, contribute to economic growth, and attract investment. Overall, higher literacy rates are associated with greater economic development and prosperity.

How does the literacy rate affect the GDP per capita in each country?

Italy has a high literacy rate and the location is great so the GDP is high

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Saudi Arabia

What does synthetic GDP mean?

. The synthetic GDP was calculated by the source's authors, and is a calculation of what a country's GDP per capita would have been had there been no EU

How does a country's GDP help you determine if its economy is strong or weak?

A high GDP per capita is a sign of well-being and of a strong economy.

Can GDP be zero and if so what does that mean for the country with a zero GDP?

The GDP of a country - or even a large community - cannot be zero. Zero GDP implies that there is no output (goods or services), nobody spends anything (on things from inventories or imports), nobody earns anything.

Is Greece a developed or developing country?

Greece is a developed country with a very high human development index (HDI) and high GDP per capita.

Is it better to have a high GDP or a low GDP?

High GDP because it means more money.

What does it mean if a country has a low GDP?

GDP is the value of all the final products sold in a country. Equivalently it is the total income of all those within a country. A low GDP simply means that the value of these measures are less than that of other countries. Basically, they are poor.

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