What does 'pity for you' mean?
In math what does supply mean?
I think you mean impLore and it means to beg.
Mean welfare in micro ecomomics is grapes. (:
no her contract was relised.
the acid is phymolmistrate
in year 566 in mekka city in saudi arebia
June 9, 2008
he just relised that no one likes him
he relised he had a passion for books and started writing for a living
that depends on your reply. he might have been serious, but when he relised that you didn't feel like that he pretended to be lying. or he just felt lonely.
It was awhile ago. You may find it on Youtube.
America and russiatime of the coldwar
2008. from Sunday Morning Records.
It came out in Europe in 6 April,2001