The United States government had not only recently finished with their revolution; they had also not given the central government its own power to tax its citizens so the central U.S. government had no income and relied completely on "donations" from the states themselves, which most simply didn't pay. Also they were trying to create a new government system, which isn't cheap.
what are the basic economic problems facing nigeria and their possible solutions
They face the same basic economic problems
Because the US government insists on creating wars and supporting countries that we can no longer afford to subsidize.
Economic System
The federal and state governments needed to repay money they had borrowed to pay for the Revolutionary War.
The federal and state governments needed to repay money they had borrowed to pay for the Revolutionary War
Hamilton's economic plans.
economic difficulties
They face the same basic economic problems
It created economic problems .
They face the same basic economic problems
In the 1790s!
A Weak Central Government