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In business economics, we have 3 factors of production and i am gonna help you elaborate each of them and how they can be used.

1) Land - This a fixed factor of production and can be used by cultivating on them (Agricultural production), or building on them to house other factors of production (e.g. human beings and machines). This factor of production is said to be fixed because the amount of land you have cannot be changed unless you purchase more and it can only be used to produce a fixed amount of goods per time. for instance, if you have 1 hectares of land and you cultivate on it, you cant cultivate any more once the land is fully cultivated.

2) Labour - also know as men or labourers used for production or workforce. it is used for production purposes by employing them to undertake certain production tasks or activities. in modern day business, labour can also be a machine e.g. robots that are used to produce certain goods.

3) Capital - also known as money. the capital involved in production can be in the form of cash or human capital (Knowledge, management ability, expertise or experience). the cash capital is used to pay labourers and maintain other factors of production (e.g. machines), while human capital is used to reduce cost of production associated with acquiring that particular capital (for instance, we reduce the cost of employing a skilled manager if we are able to train our own manager and as he will still be paid a lesser money than a skilled manager).

so it can be summarized as, land is used for housing the production process, labour is used for performing the production on land, while capital is used to maintain other factors of production (land and labour)..

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