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Chinese low manufacturing coststook assembling work from America and in turn gave low priced goods to the Americans and made less people understand the consept of work. These low priced goods made America more commercialized and centered on buy, spend, wory later opposed to work hard and you will achieve.

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Q: What foreign goods and services have influenced americas culture?
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What foreign goods or services that have influenced American culture?

Some foreign goods and services that have influenced American culture include raw materials such as crude oil and textile such as silk. Silk has influenced American dressing just the way cotton has continued to spell out the modes in which Americans dress.

How have foreign countries influenced Jordan?

Foreign Countries have influenced Jordan by when the British came and made it a Mandate.

What is a foreign culture?

Any culture outside of one's own can be described as foreign, but most often it is in reference to other cultures outside of one's own national boundaries.

How have countries influenced Jordan?

Foreign Countries have influenced Jordan by when the British came and made it a Mandate.

What group of Europeans brought foreign diseases to the Americas?

The French

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Foreign pressure.

Why should a foreign marketer be concerned with the study of culture?

A foreign marketer needs to know the wants and needs of the culture that he is marketing to. By learning about their culture, a foreign marketer will design campaigns that target the right population.

Foreign culture are destroying your culture?

Cultural exchange can enrich societies by offering new perspectives, ideas, and experiences. It is important to approach cultural interactions with openness and respect in order to foster understanding and appreciation for different ways of life. Embracing diversity can lead to a more inclusive and interconnected global community.

Foreign TV Channeles are destroying your culture?

foreign channeles are create new ideas regarding to it is develop to our culture.

What is foreign demand?

It is the foreign demand for domestic goods and services.

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Foreign Disease.

Which musical style was influenced by foreign elements?

carnatic style