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It would be hard to monitor.

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Q: What is a major argument against a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget?
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What type of Constitutional amendment has been suggested to keep congress and the president from getting us deeper in debt?

One type of Constitutional amendment that has been suggested is a balanced budget amendment. This would require the federal government to balance its budget, meaning that it could not spend more than it takes in from taxes and other revenues. The goal of such an amendment is to prevent excessive borrowing and reduce the accumulation of debt. However, the effectiveness and practicality of a balanced budget amendment have been the subject of debate.

What are the features of a balanced argument?

Write about both sides of an argument (eg. For and against) equally

What are the main features of a balanced argument?

A balanced argument presents multiple perspectives on an issue, acknowledges opposing views, supports claims with evidence or reasoning, and strives for fairness and objectivity in its presentation. It aims to provide a comprehensive and nuanced discussion of the topic at hand.

What are 3 areas that some people want passage of constitutional amendments?

Anchor babies and immigration (restructure the 14th amendment), term limits (politicians were never supposed to be career politicians), balanced federal budget, further protections against federal tyranny

If you are elected as a U.S. Representative what laws would you propose?

Propose a balanced budget amendment.

At the Constitutional Convention there was general consensus and agreement concerning?

A Republican form of government.

How is the tenth amendment and the supremacy clause balanced?

the 10th amendment and the supremacy clause recognize the constitution being the supreme law of the land,

How do you start a sentence with a balanced argument?

Moreover, firstly, in addition, on the other hand, furthermore, nevertheless, finally, however

What is a constitutional democracy?

A constitutional democracy is a government under law in which coalition and majority rule is balanced by minority and individual rights, and in which most rights are balanced by responsibilities - including the responsibility of each citizen to study the history of constitutional government in order to illuminate it in ways that no definition ever can … and in order, thereby, to allow it to evolve further in light of ancient wisdoms and the needs of our evolving global civilization.

Why do conservative Republicans want a balanced budget amendment?

Because the Republicans want trimming in defense expenditure and more emphasis on public welfare sectors, thereby ensuring a balanced budget.

What can a balanced argument be about?

A balanced argument can be about any topic or issue that has multiple perspectives or viewpoints. This could include debates on social, political, scientific, or ethical matters where different sides present their arguments in a fair and impartial manner.

What is the maximum width a semi truck can haul?

Without requiring a permit, 102 inches. As for what it's capable of hauling, it's all a matter of what can be balanced.