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The answer is Price Elasticity of Demand tool.

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Q: What is a measure of how consumers react to a change in price?
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Is oil elastic?

Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000105 EndHTML:0000002991 StartFragment:0000002527 EndFragment:0000002955 Price elasticity of demand (PED) is defined as the measure of responsiveness in the quantity demanded for a commodity as a result of change in price of the same commodity. It is a measure of how consumers react to a change in price. Oil is inelastic, as it has few substitutes and the product is considered a necessity.

A measure of how suppliers react to a change in price?

The answer will most likley be (b) quantity supplied

Price elasticity of demand in the marker place?

Price elasticity of demand is the responsiveness of quantity demanded of a good to a change in its price.Basically it describes how consumers react to a price change.The price elasticity of demand is calculated byPED= %Quantity demanded : % Change of Priceor in words: the percentage change in the quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in price

When consumers react to an increase in a goods price by consuming less of that good and more of another it is called the?

Substitution effect

How does quantity supplied of a good with a large elasticity of supply react to price change?

It will be very sensitive to price change. A change in the price will change the quantity supplied by a factor greater than 1. ps: Price elasticity of supply= (% change in quantity supplied)/(% change in price)

When consumers react to a price rise of one good by consuming lessof that good and more of another good in its place?


Assuming that are other things remains unchanged how with suppliers react to a price increase for product?

The consumers would buy less of that product

How will consumers react to the incentive of a higher price of good or service?

The negative incentive will cause consumers to purchase less of a good or service if it is of lower quality

How is elasticity of supply related to elasticity of demand?

Elasticity of supply refers to the responsiveness of guantity supplied of a commodity to changes in its own price. And the formulafor measuring elasticity of supply percentagechange in quantity supplied/ %change in price

How will consumers react to the incentive of a higher price on a good or services?

The negative incentive will cause consumers to purchase less of a good or service if it is of lower quality

Can monopolist set a high price for product and still enjoy a high level of demand?

Monopolies can exploit their position and charge high prices because consumers have no alternative. High prices may affect a high level of demand though depending on how consumers react to the high prices.

How elasticity of demand effect managerial decisions?

Elasticity of demand measures how much demand for a product will change if the price of that product is changed. Something highly elastic will be greatly affected by price changes (something like a hotdog for example, if a vendor raises his price then demand will drop because people can go elsewhere-demand is elastic). So management must be aware of how consumers will react to price changes. Normally, lowering the price of a good will bring in more customers if the demand for that good is elastic. If it is inelastic, then a lower price will not increase demand much.