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Q: What is a quantity that has a fixed value that doesn't change?
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A quantity whose value does not change?


What is a compound tariff?

A tarrif is an quantity and value based trade restriction. In compound tarrifs, a value based tarrif is payed along with a fixed rate on quantity. That is it is a mixed or compound rate.

What the meaning of constant?

Firm; solid; fixed; immovable; -- opposed to fluid., Not liable, or given, to change; permanent; regular; continuous; continually recurring; steadfast; faithful; not fickle., Remaining unchanged or invariable, as a quantity, force, law, etc., Consistent; logical., That which is not subject to change; that which is invariable., A quantity that does not change its value; -- used in countradistinction to variable.

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A number that is fixed and does not change in value?

a constant ex: Pi. it will always be 3.14159... it will never change in value.

What is the difference between constants and variables?

A variable is a quantity which changes its value through out the program or its lifetime. But a constant is a quantity which does not change its value through out its life time. There are 5 basic constants.

What does constant mean in alegbra?

a quantity or parameter that does not change its value whatever the value of the variables, under a given set of conditions.

Is a price of an oil container a physical quantity?

No. A Physical quantity is the one which can be measured. Further, the measured value will not change if the measurement is carried out at different places under the similar physical conditions. Here, the price of the oil container is fixed (not measured ) by the company and it may vary from place to place. -Prakash Landge, India.

What is difference between simple constant and arbitrary constant?

Constant is just a value, a fixed value that doesn't change. And arbitrary constant is a value that is fixed throughout multiple functions you pick for ease of calculations.

How two amounts of change can be the same but the percents of change can be different?

By two amounts of change I assume mean absolute amounts. Assume the following: Quantity 1 begins at 6 and changes to 3. The absolute value of the change is 3 and the percent change is 50% Quantity 2 begins at 30 and changes to 27. The absolute value of the change is 3 and the percent change is 10%

How can two amounts of change can be the same but the percents of change can be different.?

By two amounts of change I assume mean absolute amounts. Assume the following: Quantity 1 begins at 6 and changes to 3. The absolute value of the change is 3 and the percent change is 50% Quantity 2 begins at 30 and changes to 27. The absolute value of the change is 3 and the percent change is 10%

Difference between variable and fixed resistor?

Variable resistors means that a resistor which can change its resistance by control by any person or it self and fixed resistor means that it can not change its value.